I'm a big fan of Continuous Integration. We thrive on it at work to get feedback for our code integration on a constant basis. As part of a bigger company effort, we wanted to be able to create team dashboards showing CI health (server up, building, not broken too long, etc). The teams here mostly use
CruiseControl, but we also a few teams utilizing
Hudson and
So what's an easy way to keep tabs on 3 different build systems? RSS of course!
CruiseControl publishes out an RSS feed, Luntbuild publishes an ATOM feed and Luntbuild recently added RSS and ATOM feeds (committed, but not distributed yet, as of 1 Aug 2007).
And I don't want to write any code to aggregate these feeds together.
Enter JBI, Open-ESB, and the
RSS Binding Component (BC).
Start by downloading the latest
Open-ESB/Glassfish bundle. Start up Netbeans. To subscribe to multiple RSS feeds via the RSS BC, we need an RSS provider and an RSS consumer composite application.
Create the provider BPEL module by creating a new Netbeans project (New Project > Service Oriented Architecture > BPEL Module). Name it CIProviderBpelModule. Now we need to import two xml schemas into our project (rssbcext.xsd and wsaext.xsd). Follow the steps
outlined here to do the imports.
The WS-Addressing extension schema is used to have access to the element EndpointReferenceList, which we'll use to feed the RSS feed URLs into the system via a SOAP request.
Create two WSDLs, one for http and the other for rss, with the New WSDL Document wizard.
On the Name and Location step, name the rss WSDL "rssciprovider" and import the rssbcext.xsd schema, By File, with a prefix of "rssbcext". On the Concrete Configuration section, make sure RSS is selected as the Binding Type.
On the Name and Location step, name the http WSDL "httpci" and import the wsaext.xsd schema, By File, with a prefix of "wsaext". On the Concrete Configuration section, make sure SOAP is selected as the Binding Type.
At this point both WSDLs should validate (Alt+Shift+F9) correctly. This will make sure all schemas are imported correctly.
Open the httpci.wsdl and navigate to the request message part1. Click the element and then in the Properties pane of Netbeans, change the element attribute from
Do the same for the reply message part1. (Make sure you pick
element and not type. Thanks James!).
Open the rssciprovider.wsdl and navigate to the request message part1. Change the type to an wsaext element EndpointReferenceList as above. You can also remove the reply message and the output from the operation and binding as this will be an In-Only message. For the binding operation, change the input to
. For the service port change the rss:input to
. This correlationId is important and will match up to a correlationId in our rssciconsumer.wsdl.
Validate the WSDLs and then Process Files > New > BPEL Process. Give it a name "rssProviderBpelProcess". Drag and drop the two WSDLs into the process flow diagram; this will create partner links. Name them "httpPartnerLink" and "rssProviderPartnerLink". Swap Roles for the rssPartnerLink to "Partner Role".
From the Palette pane, drag and drop Receive, Assign, Invoke, Assign and Reply operations onto the BPEL flow. Edit Receive1 to point to the httpPartnerLink and create an input variable. Edit Invoke1 to point to rssProviderPartnerLink and create an input variable. Edit Reply1 to point to httpPartnerLink and create an output variable. Click Assign1 and using the BPEL Mapper pane at the bottom of Netbeans drag a line from HttpciOperationIn.part1 to RSSciOperationIn.part1 (ignore data types don't match warning).
For the SOAP response, we will just hardcode something to acknowledge the RSS provider is subscribed. Click Assign2 and using the BPEL Mapper create a String Literal with a value of "Done.". Drag a line from the String Literal to HttpciOperationOut.part1.
Validate the BPEL file.
Create a new Composite Application project "CIProviderCA" and add the JBI Module project CIProviderBpelModule to it. Clean and build.
Halfway there!
Create the consumer BPEL module by creating a new Netbeans project named CIConsumerBpelModule. Import the rssbcext.xsd schema into the project.
Create a rssciconsumer.wsdl with the rssbcext.xsd schema imported as before. Make sure "RSS" is selected as the Binding Type. Edit the wsdl and change the message part element to
. Change the operation input to
. Change the service port address to
Create a fileci.wsdl with the rssbcext.xsd schema imported as before. Make sure "File" is selected as the Binding Type. Edit the wsdl and change the message part element to
. Remove all output references; In-Only again. Change the operation input to
Validate the WSDLs and then create a new BPEL Process named "rssConsumerBpelProcess". Drag and drop the two WSDLs into the process flow diagram; this will create partner links. Name them "filePartnerLink" and "rssConsumerPartnerLink". Swap Roles for the filePartnerLink to "Partner Role".
From the Palette pane, drag and drop Receive, Assign, Invoke operations onto the BPEL flow. Edit Receive1 to point to the rssConsumerPartnerLink and create an input variable. Edit Invoke1 to point to filePartnerLink and create an input variable. Click Assign1 and using the BPEL Mapper drag a line from RssciconsumerOperationIn.part1 to FileciOperationIn.part1 (ignore data types don't match warning).
Validate the BPEL file.
Create a new Composite Application project "CIConsumerCA" and add the JBI Module project CIConsumerBpelModule to it. Clean and build.
Start glassfish and deploy both JBI Composite Applications to it.
In the provider CA project, create a test a new test case, pointing it to the httpci.wsdl and the httpciOperation.
Sweeeeeeeeet. Edit the test case input. Each Endpoint reference only needs the Address element to be valid. Add as many as EndpointRerefences as you need to the EndpointRerefenceList. Run the test.
Look in
(or whatever directory the file service port referenced) and you should see a
file with an aggregation of all the continuous integration RSS/ATOM feeds in it.